
Sports Club

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments and it is Sports that helps it to bring out that attribute. Moral ValuesIndia Foundation started sports club for the youth. We conduct various sports activities to keep the youth engaged in a productive way which in turn helps them to stay focused, generate a hobby and averts them from any sort of addiction. Further we also conduct competition and reward the winners. This approach helps us to attract a huge number of youth populations so that we can channelize their energy into positive work for their betterment.

Rural Art & Culture

We provide opportunities to the people living in rural areas to showcase their talents by taking part in cultural competitions. This helps them come closer to each other and build in self-confidence. We help by empowering these dynamic people to achieve their full potential.

Clean Village Green Village

Green is the prime color of the world, and that from which its loveliness arises. Every citizen dreams to live in a clean country and reality won’t be far from this if every individual makes an effort. In the rapid race for development we seem to have forgotten that it is our duty to give back to the Mother Nature, what we take from it. The rate at which the green cover is disappearing is alarming to all the citizens and it’s high time for some action to be taken or we would be left empty handed staring into a bleak future. Clean Village Green Village is a continuous process which would keep going till the mankind perishes.

Poster for Nation

India is a country with a very rich history. The stories of motivational and influential people can be traced back since time immemorial. Swami Vivekananda quoted “Stand up, be bold, be strong. Take the whole responsibility on your own shoulders”. Such inspiring thoughts have been influencing the minds of youth.Poster for nation is actually an activity conducted every year for students across schools. This activity emphasizes on learning about the values and ethics of each individual student in the form of art that they present. In an effort to inculcate moral values in students from young age this program is conducted in the form of competitions where students design posters on given topics.